Best Fitness Instagram Accounts to Follow Around the World

Hayden Saunders

Need fitness inspiration? Follow our favorite Instagram Fitness freaks as they keep sharing their fitness insights, transformation stories and everything around FITNESS.

Checking in on our favorite fitness Instagramers has become an almost daily routine. They provide us with a little snapshot into their lives. A compact digital postcard from very different parts of the world.

Best Fitness Instagram Accounts to Follow Around the World

Keep in mind our list here is completely subjective. We all enjoy different kinds of fitness topics such as transformations, diet, workout, nutrition etc. Some of these accounts are more personality driven, while others create a steady stream of incredible & diverse travel information about fitness from across the planet.

Jam Mayoralgo

Out of the ordinary, Jam grew up with a physical disability. Being born pigeon-toed, Jam struggled with athletics, always tripping when she ran or always finishing last in the swimming pool. This, however, did not dampen her spirits. She engaged in swimming, ballet, gymnastics and Taekwondo (and eventually became a black belter) in order to strengthen her legs.

In truth, Jam’s journey in the gym started when a then boyfriend called her fat. It was during her time in university that she had become sedentary and had developed bad eating habits. While she did put on some weight, she was, maybe for most, far from fat. Her solid commitment to fitness and health started when she saw a drastic change in her energy levels.

Having grown up as the only girl among three boys, she lifted her first set of weights as a dare from her brother. Just like many women, she initially had qualms about weight lifting. First, she was scared to get bulky. Second, she was influenced with the media’s portrayal of “skinny” and tried to keep with this stereotype. Lastly, she thought that cardio would be enough to maintain her metabolism and figure.

It was only when she joined Bb. Pilipinas (Miss Philippines) in 2013 that her fitness goals materialized. Apart from nourishing the body through regular excercise, proper nutrition and sleep, being in the competition showed her the importance of being mentally and emotionally ready.

Jam’s blog, Gym Girl Jam, encourages women to try something new and to keep moving. She does not promote an ideal set of proportions. Instead, she encourages women to move out of their fitness comfort zones and to love their bodies, no matter what shape or size. For her, being strong, both physically and mentally, is the new sexy.

Today, she stands, lifts and runs loud and proud. Just recently, she was crowned as a Miss Global Philippines 2017 Tourism Ambassador. With this, she strongly advocates physical fitness and mental health. From her past experiences, she sees wellness as not only being fit on the outside, but also embracing a winner’s resilient, optimistic and focused mindset.

Keep up with Jam’s adventures as a financial advisor by day, professional singer or host by night, beauty queen, and gym rat anywhere in between by visiting, or follow @GymGirlJam on Instagram and Facebook.

Follow Jam Mayoralgo on Instagram

Florie Cossu

My name is Florie, im 28 years old and I am a full-time health, food and fitness blogger (I am what I like to call a health and fitness junkie!) living in Paris, in France. Somehow I made my passion for fitness into a full time job with the help of social networks. I love weightl-ifting, HITT I practice indoor cycling and yoga too. My goal with my blog and Instagram post is to enable my passion for healthy living. I help young women learn how to eat clean (I create lot of plant based treat all free from industrial and refined sugars) and get fit so they can feel confident about the way they look without depriving themselves of a social life.

I have created this blog to create interesting and fun content about my healthy fitness lifestyle and cause for me Health should be everyone’s number one priority- there really is nothing more important. On my blog you will find healthy recipes, workouts, meal plans, nutritional information but also travels, beauty and fashion post. Im not personal trainer, I am simply sharing what I have learned and what I am continuing to learn about health and fitness. I promote healthy lifestyles as a way of life, and live by the 80:20 rule, where as long as you are eating mainly (80%) healthy nutrient dense foods, it’s ok to indulge for some (20%!) of them time. Life is about enjoyment and balance and for me my 20% is alcohol peanut butter & chocolate.

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I have absolutely found my passion which is helping others learn how to live a healthier and more active life! So I hope you enjoy eating my recipes, using my tips and reading experiences because i love writing and i love sharing my passions!

Lucy Seremak

I was blogger and journalist with main focus on fashion and beauty and I was fat. Like really fat. One day I’ve step on the scale and I saw 99 kg. It was my breakthrough. I said to myself enough is enough! I’ve started going to the gym and it changed my life! It wasn’t easy, and it didn’t happen in one month but the place I’m in right now is worth the long way I’ve made. Not only I got the body I wanted (at that time, now my goals are much higher) but I’m more healthy. I feel better and I’m more confident. I’ve met my boyfriend at the gym and now we motivate each other. My new fit look and boost in confidence elevated my career. I got a TV show, I’ve meet wonderful people on the way and I’m able to do things I could only dream of. I’ve work with some amazing brands like Adidas or Reebok and now I’m working on my fit cloths line.

I believe that making few little changes in your diet and daily routine you can make a significant change in your life. Working hard is a one way to go, but also you can work smart. I want to help others to reach they goals, show them how to do it and motivate them. I know everything is possible if you set your mind to it and if you have someone who can support you and help you stay on the chosen path. That’s how I’ve achieve my goal. And this is what I try to teach working as a personal trainer. On my blog and instagram I share died hacks, workout tips, motivations and of course some beauty advice.

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Fatima Zara Mallick

Fatima Zara Mallick is an entrepreneur with diverse interests. She is CEO and head trainer at FZM Boutique Fitness: a concept wellness centre providing customised workout and nutrition solutions to a select clientele in Karachi and Dubai.

FZM has studied fitness in Italy, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and UAE. She is a Pakistan’s only Level 2 Crossfit Coach; a Zumba instructor; a Pilates and Certified Barre Teacher; and Pakistan’s first Piloxing (Pilates and Kickboxing) trainer. Additionally, Fatima specialises in Rehabilitation (injury) training as well as pre and post-natal training. She has completed courses in Kettle bell and Battle rope (velocity) training from FTA (Functional Training Institute, Asia) and is a certified Boot Camp Instructor from the International Bootcamp Alliance (Melbourne, Australia).

FZM Boutique Fitness has quickly established a niche market amongst celebrities and high profile clients in Karachi and Dubai. FZM offers personal training at her boutique fitness studio and conducts concept bootcamps at Sind Club and Structure, Karachi. She is the Fitness Ambassador for Dolmen Mall Pakistan, a TEDx Speaker (Dec, 2016) and is the official Fitness Coach for Women’s Own magazine. Recently, Fatima was included in Hello Pakistan’s ‘Hot 100 Achievers for 2016’ List.

FZM is a published Art Historian: her book, ‘Bernini: A Case-Study in Authorship, Authenticity, and Attribution,’ has been critically acclaimed and is available for purchase on

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Marion Lemos

I am Lemos Marion, a passionate artist and blogger from France. I have been playing around art all my life. I love drawing, writing and taking pictures wherever I go.It’s wonderful to capture a moment, or an emotion. Rather it’s a photograph, a drawing or an experience transcribed on a page.This is where I gravitate the most simply because it feels right inside and it makes me leave the bed with envy every day.

I have always wanted to motivate and make people grow stronger. When I introduced myself to fitness, I felt like a new person.I was not just becoming stronger physically but also a lot more mentally.It’s like if my entire self needed to become more stable and pure.I officially started fitness 7 months ago and went vegan more than 2 months ago after a year of just eating chicken, eggs and fish. I felt like it was about time to fully think about my health.Today I can notice a huge difference on my strength, energy and my muscles regenerate a lot faster than it used to be.I wanted to wait before posting online about my body’s transformation.

I wanted to look a lot more shaped before I could even consider myself being a fitness girl.To be honest this term still feels inappropriate for me but I gained more confidence and I know that my “soul family” as I call my followers; are supportive and make me proud of every step I take.That’s why I recently announced that I was going to share more of my fitness journey.I know this will motivate a lot of people and if I have the power to make them feel good inside and out. That’s the only reward I am looking for.The first time I exercised was a long time ago and I got discouraged because I was only focusing on building my abs area and I was not working in harmony with my self.That’s one of the biggest mistake I made.My soul family often ask me how to stay motivated and how to push further.I know now that what’s really important is the fuel we need to process everything.Without envy, passion and happiness in the process you’ll get discouraged quickly.

I always tell them to slowly introduce themselves to fitness and to exercise when they want it.A schedule in the beginning always feels like a torture and I know well enough that the more you feel forced; the less it will be enjoyable.But also, the more you desire “a perfect body type” and blame yourself for not being it; the less you will fully benefit from your workouts.I believe looking good and feeling good has to be a pair. You should take some time to cooperate friendly with yourself and always love yourself. In my opinion this is how you progress in harmony. If you are your own enemy from the start and chase an ideal of perfection. You’re going to be depressed, stressed and pressured and it is not what you need to grow happily. It’s always good to remember that everything starts with how we feel, the way we look will follow.

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Brandon Smitley

Brandon Smitley is a strength coach and personal trainer out of Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Fitness, and earned his Master’s of Science degree from Indiana State University in Physical Education and Coaching. Brandon has earned Personal Trainer of the Year at both institutions. .He has worked with multiple division I athletes to youth athletes in various sports, all the way to grandparents and regular weekend warriors. He also operates Smitley Performance Systems where he provides online programming, coaching, and nutritional help for clients world-wide.

Brandon has competed in multiple disciplines such as wrestling, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting. He holds the all-time world record raw squat and 4th in total at 132-lbs. with best lifts including a 567-lb squat, 330-lb bench, 510-lb deadlift, and 1377-lb total.

He was invited to train at the notorious Westside Barbell with Louie Simmons, but is currently sponsored by EliteFTS and NutraBio, where he is highly involved with powerlifting and coaches Purdue Barbell. He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), and USAW Sports Performance Level 1 Coach (USAW).

Brandon can be contacted at

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Espada Yassine

Hello, I’m Yassine Espada from Morocco, 25years old. i am a Photographer Fashion blogger/fitness and Public figure World wide. i’m jolly fun and easygoing. i love fitness having a good body shape is my goal. My passion is to be a Model known by the world and work for a big campain in the future.

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Last Update 08 June, 2024